Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Meaning of Manson

Charles Manson

''He is a product of the American heartland and was subject to the worst conditions that prevailed.But racially,psychically,and culturally he is perhaps the MOST American,personally gifted,selfless,fearless-both morally and physically-and absolutely dedicated to life,to earth and to truth.What he did-in spite of a life full of the worst adversity-rather than drown in a sea of bitterness as most would have,he established a racial-socialist colony in Death Valley,in California,in the midst of the push-shove of the 1960's,which was neither hippie nor Right Wing. As far as those of us today who remain active in the struggle against Death,in favor of Life,Manson's meaning is of the highest importance.His ideas can readily be accepted by racially sound,intelligent,honest Leftists as they can by Rightists.Without Manson's input,neither side will unravel the problem nor find an answer in time.His is to date the most extreme example of defiance,action and survival. Little more can be added at tis point except the verse from Mein Kampf in which Hitler cautioned against turning ones back to the immortal hands which occasionally are outstretched to us in times of great stress has its most potent meaning at this time "...woe to the people that is ashamed to grasp them."
- James N. Mason
Universal Order